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Passiflora gibertii

Passiflora gibertii

a.k.a. Passiflora gilberti, Passiflora giberti

A fast-growing ornamental vine with edible (when ripe) fruits and beautiful fragrant flowers.

Seed Availability

Seeds are not available for the Passiflora gibertii. Please visit our seed store to view current selections.


Fast-growing vine that can grow several feet in a season. Has 3-lobed (occasionally 5-lobed) leaves which can grow to a few inches long. Vines may trail across arbors or climb fences and trees. The plant is easily container grown and will flower readily. Flowering generally runs during warm months. Some fruits may follow and the ripe fruits (yellow to orange in color) are edible, though some reports claim the unripe fruits are poisonous.


Hardy to about 32F.

Growing Environment

Grow in full sun or part shade. The vines need regular water, especially during the growing season. Easily container grown. Prune back vines if needed, as secondary shoots readily sprout.


By seeds. Seeds benefit from presoaking and warm temperatures of 75-85F for germination. Germination time is erratic and often takes several weeks to a few months. By rooted cuttings.


Not as commonly planted as some of the other Passiflora's, but unfortunately so, as the fine is quite beautiful for both its flowers and fruits.

Native Range

Native to South America, from Argentina through Paraguay and Brazil.

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