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Tree Passion Flower

Passiflora macrophylla

One of only three Passiflora's with a tree-like growth pattern. A truly amazing and very rare plant, on first glance it looks nothing like a Passion Flower plant---with its gigantic leaves and erect growth.

Seed Availability

Seeds are now available at our seed store.


A small tree, growing to 10-20ft. The huge leaves can grow up to three feet long by one foot wide. Flowers are borne in inflorescenes from the trunk as the plant does not often branch. Flowers are yellow and white, with the characterisitc passion flower look. Rounded fruits follow and may reach 2" in diameter.


Probably not frost hardy. Exact hardiness is unknown.

Growing Environment

Not much cultural information is known, but the plant seems to thrive in humid and warm climates. Protect from cold weather. Grow in part shade or full sun. Protect from low humidity and dry winds. Grow in well-drained and moist soil. Water regularly.


Generally by seeds. This species is reportedly difficult to grow from cuttings.


Extremely uncommon in cultivated, but is valued as a beautiful ornamental and an oddity.

Native Range

Native to humid and wet, lowland regions of Ecuador.

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